Afrikaans Waterhoen

Paragallinula angulata  ·  Lesser Moorhen

Datum 13 januari 2024
Locatie Cabo Verde, Sal
Fotograaf Max Dettori Max Dettori
Bekeken 2706 ×


Diedert Koppenol  ·  18 januari 2024  14:18

Nice one, Max!

Eduard Sangster  ·  18 januari 2024  15:01

Hi Max, is this picture of today, or earlier? I understood that one bird is found dead and the other one is not refound after 13th?

Max Berlijn  ·  18 januari 2024  17:49

Hi Max, what makes you think this is a Lesser Moorhen? It looks rather big and chuncky and more like a immature Eurasian Moorhen.

Max Dettori  ·  25 januari 2024  11:26

@Eduard Sangster it was on 13th Jan (cant correct it anymore)

@Max Berlijn you will see better pics on next DB issue I guess, my pic is bad but it was it, you can see FB:

Wietze Janse  ·  25 januari 2024  15:25

@ Max,  have corrected the date

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