Gestreepte Strandloper

Calidris melanotos  ·  Pectoral Sandpiper

Datum 13 augustus 2024
Locatie Las Galletas, Tenerife (Canary Islands)
Fotograaf Rubén Barone Rubén Barone
Bekeken 2103 ×


Tiemen De Smedt  ·  27 augustus 2024  18:39, gewijzigd 27 augustus 2024  18:39

Was the bird ringed in Tenerife?

Rubén Barone  ·  27 augustus 2024  22:02

Dear Tiemen,

It seems the Common or Great Ringed Plover has been ringed in the UK, as part of a specific ringing program, but I'm still waiting for a response about the precise date and site of ringing. In the Canary Islands, there are no ringing programs for migrant waders, and only in the 80s-90s were some species ringed, while very few have been ringed after these decades. 

Best regards. 

Rubén Barone  ·  4 januari 2025  12:08

Hi again.

The ringed Common Ringed Plover in the image is from Poland, not the UK, as we initially supposed. It was ringed in 2020.

Best regards from the Canaries. 

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