
Anarhynchus alexandrinus  ·  Kentish Plover

Datum 19 april 2022
Locatie Strand Wassenaar
Fotograaf René van Rossum René van Rossum
Bekeken 2949 ×


George Sangster  ·  13 april 2023  14:03, gewijzigd 13 april 2023  14:06

Strandplevieren van zuidelijk India en Sri Lanka zijn als aparte soort te beschouwen.

Niroshan, JJ, Liu, Y, Martinez, J, Que, P, Wei, C, Weerakkody, S, Panagoda, G, Weerasena, J, Thasun Amarasinghe, AA, Székely, T, Bond, AL & Seneviratne, SS 2023. Systematic revision of the ‘diminutive’ Kentish Plover (Charadriidae: Charadrius) with the resurrection of Charadrius seebohmi based on phenotypic and genetic analyses. Ibis in press.

Abstract: The Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus Linnaeus 1758 is a common shorebird in Eurasia and North Africa that breeds in a variety of habitats, exhibits different extents of migratory behaviour, and is an emerging model species of breeding system evolution. Here we focus on the resident population found across the southern tip of India and Sri Lanka, and re-evaluate its systematic status based on phenotypic and genetic distinctiveness from a sympatric migrant, C. alexandrinus sensu stricto, and the recently elevated closely related, C. dealbatus in East Asia. We show that the Sri Lankan and South Indian (South Asian) population differs in body size, moulting pattern and plumage colouration from C. alexandrinus and C. dealbatus. Furthermore, based on two mitochondrial, two sex-linked, and 11 autosomal microsatellite markers from 378 individuals, we show that these three taxa have moderate genetic differentiation (Fst = 0.078 - 0.096). The South Asian taxon is sister to the clade of C. alexandrinus sensu stricto and C. dealbatus with an estimated divergence time of 1.19 million years ago. We also examined ornithological records of major museum collections in Asia, Europe, and North America for the south Asian taxon to evaluate its biogeographic and taxonomic status. Based on differences in genotype, phenotype, allochronic migratory pattern and breeding range, we resurrect the most suitable synonym, Charadrius alexandrinus seebohmi Hartert and Jackson, 1915, and elevate the nomen to the species level with the proposed English name ‘Hanuman Plover’.

Max Berlijn  ·  13 april 2023  22:54

Leuk, gezien op Sri Lanka (en op film) maar in winterkleed kon ik geen echt verschil ontdekken. Zijn er morfologische verschillen?

Patrick Bouthoorn  ·  14 april 2023  11:17

Is die in de winter mogelijk in Oman te verwachten?  

Diedert Koppenol  ·  14 april 2023  13:47

@Max, uit bovenstaande tekst van George: 

"We show that the Sri Lankan and South Indian (South Asian) population differs in body size, moulting pattern and plumage colouration".

Eduard Sangster  ·  14 april 2023  16:21

@Patrick, dit taxon is een standvogel in India en Sri Lanka, dus deze zal in Oman hooguit als dwaalgast kunnen.

Op ebird kan je zien dat, itt sommige kaartjes, in de winter 'gewone' Strandplevieren zich bij de 'Hanuman Plovers' voegen in zuid-India (en ik neem aan ook Sri Lanka). Ben benieuwd hoe je die dan uit elkaar gaat halen...

Jelle Scharringa  ·  14 april 2023  18:14

Het is inderdaad vrij zeker dat "onze" Strandplevier ook in ZW India en Sri Lanka overwintert

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