
Branta ruficollis  ·  Red-breasted Goose

Datum 6 mei 2020
Locatie Ameland
Fotograaf Max Berlijn Max Berlijn
Bekeken 4535 ×


Max Berlijn  ·  8 mei 2020  17:43

O, en ik vergeet de astronomische aantallen Brand en Rotganzen waar je letterlijk tot je knieën doorheen kan rijden.

Klaas van Dijk  ·  25 oktober 2020  09:45

Goed nieuws uit Noorwegen.

"We analysed the stable isotope of hydrogen (δ2H) in first generation median wing covert feathers sampled from a free-flying first winter Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis caught in Storøya, Norway in late April 2019. The highly depleted δ2H values corresponded to those predicted if the bird had grown feather in the Russian Arctic breeding areas of this species and were much more highly depleted compared to predicted values of a bird raised in captivity in Norway or elsewhere in western Europe. Although these data do not provide irrefutable proof of the individual’s wild origin, these results strongly suggest that even records outside the normal range for this species can potentially constitute a genuinely wild-reared individual."

Bron: (Using δ2H stable isotope analysis to identify the origin of a first winter Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis caught in Norway, Sindre Molværsmyr & Anthony David Fox, Ornis Norvegica 43: 1–3, published 2 June 2020).

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