Syrische Kanarie

Serinus syriacus  ·  Syrian Serin

Datum 22 december 2018
Locatie Eilat, Israel
Fotograaf Eduard Sangster Eduard Sangster
Bekeken 4958 ×


Max Berlijn  ·  22 maart 2020  14:03, gewijzigd 22 maart 2020  14:05

Hele gave plaat van een soort die eigenlijk een onwijze restricted range heeft. De link werkt bij mij niet. Wat zien ze zoal in Israël?

Eduard Sangster  ·  22 maart 2020  14:31, gewijzigd 22 maart 2020  14:37

Thnx! Ja, je moet jezelf eerst even aanmelden bij 'Eilat & Arava Birders'.

Weekly English Update: These are times of great uncertainty....we just don't know where and how many birds will fall upon us each morning. While many people around the world are facing far-reaching restrictions, the few remaining birders in Eilat and the Arava are restricted only by the hours of daylight we have. The waves of passerine migration have become a very welcome tsunami of migrants. Since the storm last Friday the ringing station has been over the 150 birds daily and the parks and birding sites packed with birds all through the region. Friday morning we ringed 197 birds which was just a dress rehearsal for this morning where we ringed 406 birds (and that is without Helgoland traps, the last trap was destroyed by the storm). It's the best daily total for the last few years and very encouraging after a very slow autumn. The morning started with 3 very cute but stroppy Scops Owls, Nightingales, Redstarts, an extraordinary 22 Eastern Orphean Warblers, 180 Blackcaps and 107 Lesser Whitethroats. it was pretty hectic but we headed up to Yotvata where the numbers are even bigger. Heading into the North Circular field the first birds to greet you are hundreds of Cretzschmars and Ortolan Buntings. What a relief to see these endangered birds in good numbers again after years of decline. There are the huge flocks of Spanish Sparrows (including a white one!), Yellow Wagtails, Hirundines, Swifts, Chiffchaffs etc. But is heading along the pumpkin fields and dry bushes beside the dunes that are just dripping with Blackcaps, Lesser Whitethroats, Greater Whitethroats, Chiffs, Orpheans, Sardinian Warblers, Ruppels Warblers and a couple of Menetries Warblers. Northern, Isabelline and Black-eared Wheatears are dotted around, Caspian Stonechats are sprinkled about, Harriers are plying all the fields including a male/female duo of Pallid Harriers. There's a big flock of Short-toed Larks and a few Pale Rock Sparrows....and just everywhere you look more and more birds hopping around. We wanted to check more places but we couldn't drag ourselves away from these magical fields! It's been a brilliant migration season so far and promises to continue in the same vein. We hope we can bring it to you from the field and even if you can't be here- know that you're birds are heading home! Have a relaxed and healthy week!

Jan Hein van Steenis  ·  25 maart 2020  16:26

Ik wilde al schrijven: "Da's mooi, maar daar hebben dus we helemaal niets aan", maar dat geldt nu ook voor de locals: Israel gaat in lockdown.

Peter de Knijff  ·  25 maart 2020  19:17

In de begin jaren 80 van de vorige eeuw was dit een heel normaal verschijnsel.

De northfields van Eilat, waar het groenvoer nog geen halve meter hoog stond, was vol met gewone mistnetten waar de talrijke kieken 100 en zangers en kwikken injaagden. Het was niet bij te houden, letterlijk.

De bovenbeschreven sfeer was toen eerder regel dan een uitzondering.

Gebruikers van het forum gaan akkoord met de forumregels.
