
Regulus regulus  ·  Goldcrest

Datum 4 oktober 2018
Locatie Sao Miguel - Azoren
Fotograaf Gerby Michielsen Gerby Michielsen
Bekeken 5782 ×


Rubén Barone  ·  5 oktober 2018  14:42


Very nice photo.

One question: are there three different subspecies of Goldcrest in the Azores, as exposed by Bannerman & Bannerman and other recent authors?

Justin Jansen  ·  5 oktober 2018  16:29, gewijzigd 5 oktober 2018  16:29

Rubén Barone  ·  5 oktober 2018  19:34

Dear Justin,

Thanks for the link. OK, I can see that the taxonomy of the Azorean Goldcrests considered by Bannerman & Bannerman in their monograph on the birds of the Azores at the end of the 60s is the same accepted in recent years. 

Arnoud B van den Berg  ·  6 oktober 2018  10:05, gewijzigd 6 oktober 2018  10:59

When considering Azores Kinglet Regulus azoricus, see reference in Dutch Birding 28: 26-29, 2006, to paper by Päckert & Martens (2004) on goldcrest songs in Journal für Ornithology 145: 23-30 ('Song dialects on the Atlantic islands: goldcrests of the Azores (Regulus regulus azoricus, R. r. sanctae-mariae, R. c. inermis').

Rubén Barone  ·  6 oktober 2018  23:33

Hi again.

Thanks for your comments, Arnoud.

In the case of the Canary Islands, at this moment we consider Regulus teneriffae as a subspecies of R. regulus. On the other hand, there is another subspecies in the westernmost islands (El Hierro and La Palma), described some years ago: R. regulus ellenthalerae

Best regards. 

Jan Hein van Steenis  ·  22 november 2020  18:20

Een Ruby-crowned Kinglet zat van 12-19 november op Barra, Schotland:

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