White-shouldered Ibis

Pseudibis davisoni

Datum 21 februari 2016
Locatie Tmatboey, Cambodja
Fotograaf John van der Woude John van der Woude
Bekeken 3134 ×


John van der Woude  ·  7 maart 2016  14:54

Nog wat info van de Birdlife Factsheet: The Indonesian population was estimated at 30-100 individuals but has apparently declined. Nationwide coordinated surveys for the species in Cambodia recorded a total of 973 individuals in 2013 (Anon. 2013). The global population is therefore estimated at at minimum of 1,000 individuals and 670 mature individuals. The species declined precipitously during the 20th century having been relatively common in the early part of that period. (...) Widespread habitat conversion is now underway or projected across most of the species's range, which is likely to result in extremely rapid declines in the next 10-20 years. Ik vrees dat die 'next 10-20 years' al ruim begonnen zijn gezien de toenemende druk op het specifieke habitat in Cambodja. Toch is het nog prima vogelen in dat half-open bos, ook voor spechten, roofvogels, uilen, nachtzwaluwen. Pale-capped Pigeon hadden we er ook.

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