
Gelochelidon nilotica  ·  Gull-billed Tern

Datum 14 augustus 2015
Locatie Zijdewind
Fotograaf Fred Visscher Fred Visscher
Bekeken 4877 ×


Fred Visscher  ·  17 juni 2016  19:26

Ook dit jaar even gevraagd aan Klaus hoe het er voor staat met de meest bijzondere kolonie die we hebben in Europa. Hieronder zijn antwoord waaruit blijkt dat de kolonie aardig stabiel blijft gelukkig!!

Hi Fred,


nice to hear from you !  Hope you are doing well !?


Well, again at least 36 pairs are present again and have nests in only 1 colony at Neufelderkoog Vorland.

I did not hear about breeding records in Lower Saxony this year !


First the colony setteled in the already electric-fenced breeding area in the saltmarsh, but other breeding birds like Black-headed Gulls became so numerous and so the GBTs escaped out of the fenced area to the area 100 m next to it - which was fenced recently also.


Now, first chicks hatched and we will do a first ringing attempt on Monday the 27th of June, 15:00 !


At least one colour-ringed bird showed up only … up to now - as I heard - perhaps more !

Look here:

 "Der Vogel RYRO wurde am 17.7.2013 als einer der letzten der 2013er-Saison beringt. Schön auf diese Weise zu erfahren, dass es ein Weibchen ist. Interessant auch, dass sie mit 3 Jahren schon reproduzieren will. In der Literatur steht als Eintrittsalter 4-5 Jahre."


Unfortunately 3 adult birds were found dead in the colony !!!  … killed by predator !


I hope that they will have a good breeding success ...


Best wishes,


Fred Visscher  ·  5 juli 2016  16:31

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