
Zoekresultaten voor '❤️ Websted til dating: www.Dating4Me.site ❤️ Dating Agentur Job Nyc Craigslist':

Rare Birds in The Netherlands in 2002
CDNA Jaarverslagen  ·  1 december 2003  ·  Roland E van der Vliet, Jan van der Laan & CDNA
). Close scrutiny did not reveal any oil stains on its plumage and the CDNA therefore concluded ... and reconsidered records, dating back to 1924, which have been evaluated by the Dutch rarities committee ..., Drenthe (two); 2-3 June, Terschelling, Friesland; 4 August, Hollandsche Rading, Utrecht (two); and 29 ...). This individual was not ringed and did not show anomalous behaviour. It missed two primaries on its ... and now accepted for its sixth 'winter'. This year, it was found almost two months earlier than

Rare birds in the Netherlands in 2002
DB 25:6 (2003)  ·  pagina's 361-384  ·  Roland E van der Vliet, Jan van der Laan & CDNA
, plate 55, 2002). Close scrutiny did not reveal any oil stains on its plumage and the CDNA therefore ... be submitted through email (cdna@dutchbirding.nl) or via the CDNA site on the Dutch Birding website ... comprises records from 2002 as well as belated and reconsidered records, dating back to 1924, which ..., Friesland; 4 August, Hollandsche Rading, Utrecht (two); and 29 August, Raamsdonkveer, Noord-Brabant ... in January 1998 and now accepted for its sixth ‘winter‘. This year, it was found almost two months earlier

Ashy Drongos in Iran in 2014-18 and status in the WP
DB 41:1 (2019)  ·  pagina's 23-28  ·  Leander Khil, Magnus Ullman & Łukasz Ławicki
, A, Porter, R & Aspinall, S 2017. OSME region list of bird taxa. 4.1. Website: www.osme.org/ORL. Browne ... but with obvious whitish feather tips creating spotted area. TAIL  Long and narrow and seemingly deeply forked to roughly half its length. Underside of tail essentially black or dark grey but exact tone ... Iran, where only during the last four years two Ashy and another four unidentified drongos were found ..., R 2017. Additions and corrections to the Oman bird list, edition 7. Update 8 December 2017. Website

Kleine Goudplevier bij Abbega in november 1990
DB 14:1 (1992)  ·  pagina's 14-16  ·  Joop Jukema & Bram van der Veen
slagnet. Meteen bij het uit het net halen viel het BvdV op dat het een ‘kleine goudplevier’ was welke .... Bij loslaten in vlucht kleiner en spitser. KOP & HALS  Voorhoofd, teugel, kin en keel wit. Kruin ...Eindversie AvL 101091 TvdH – HS – GH – GO – AvL Mededelingen Kleine Goudplevier bij Abbega ... Goudplevier. Achteloos bootste hij het geluid na op de wilsterfluit. Tot zijn verbazing reageerde de ... Kleine Goudplevier te maken te hebben, werd de vogel ingekooid en bij thuiskomst werd Joop Jukema

Laughing Gull with flame-scarlet bill and legs
DB 4:2 (1982)  ·  pagina 55  ·  Arnoud B. van den Berg & René Pop

Roodstuitzwaluw bij Tienhoven en Lopik in april 1982
DB 4:2 (1982)  ·  pagina's 57-58  ·  Edward J. van IJzendoorn & Jan Andeweg

Western Bonelli's x Wood Warbler update
DB Actueel Online  ·  29 juni 2018  ·  Roy Slaterus
Warbler Phylloscopus bonelli x P. sibilatrix, job done (almost), 29 June ... Duinreservaat, Castricum, the Netherlands. On 29 May, the bird was still present and, to my surprise ... only three young were in the nest. Presumably, two unhatched eggs had been removed. On 23 June .... sibilatrix, collecting food for its young, 23 June 2018 ..., bringing a caterpillar to its young, 25 June 2018

Awifauna Polski; rozmienszczenie, liczebnosc i zmiany (The avifauna of Poland; distribution, numbers and trends) by Ludwik Tomiałojc & Tadeusz Stawarczyk
DB 27:2 (2005)  ·  pagina 128  ·  Roy Slaterus
in the English text. Anyhow, I believe the authors have done a great job and should be congratulated. Roy ... decades, making it of great value for conservation purposes. By documenting the decline of certain ... olivaceus form mouth-watering evidence. Having written this, I can not help but wonder what ... (The avifauna of Poland; distribution, numbers and trends). PTPP ‘pro Natura’, Wroclaw; e-mail stawar@biol.uni.wroc.pl. 869 pp. ISBN 83-919626-1-X. EUR 20.00. Over the last two centuries, 436 species

Late July to mid-September 2023
DB 45:5 (2023)  ·  pagina's 336-351  ·  Łukasz Ławicki & Arnoud B van den Berg
on 13 June. A first-year Eurasian Penduline Tit Remiz pendulinus at Titran, Frøya, Sør-Trøndelag ... Corso, Paul Doniol-Valcroze, Matt Doyle, Philippe Dubois, Nils van Duivendijk, Jon Dunn, Enno Ebels ... Ortega, Dan Owen, Joe Pender, Yoav Perlman, René Pop, Brian Power, Nikos Probonas, Pedro Ramalho ... a possible wild provenance of two individuals at Oued Souss, Morocco, on 26 April 1978 (Alauda 47 ... Chrysolophus pictus in Britain is now deemed to be functionally extinct (Smith et al in Biol

Betaling abonnementsgeld / Payment subscription fee
Nieuws  ·  16 maart 2016
daarom iedereen die nog niet betaald heeft, dit zo snel mogelijk te doen. We zijn helaas genoodzaakt om leden die vóór 3 april 2016 niet betaald hebben, uit de verzendlijst voor Dutch Birding 38.3 te ... April 2015 will be removed from the mailing list for Dutch Birding 38.3.If you have any questions ...In december 2015 hebben alle leden een verzoek gekregen tot het overmaken van het abonnementsgeld voor 2016. Gelukkig hebben heel veel leden dit naar ons overgemaakt.Helaas is een substantieel aantal

West-Afrika Pelagic: een reis- en determinatieblog door Nils van Duivendijk
AO/WPO-blog  ·  7 mei 2013
dat je iets gaat zien wat je graag wil zien, geeft dat vaak een mindere kick. Nou niet bij een ... was blijkbaar net vertrokken, maar de nog wel aanwezige Middelste Zilverreiger bracht het totaal op 6 ... nog even laten merken dat hij al die strepen op z'n schouder niet voor niets heeft. Maar dan lopen ... BirdingBreaks.nl op deze tocht. Hij zal naar aanleiding van de waarnemingen tijdens de reis een aantal ..., doodgereden, dood hangend aan een tie-wrap en 's nachts in de schijnwerper, aangetrokken door het

Lesser Noddy on Kish Island, Iran, in September 2023
DB 46:2 (2024)  ·  pagina's 97-100  ·  Seyed Ali Jebeli & Enno B Ebels
. The OSME region list of bird taxa – Version 8.2. Website: www.osme.org/orl. Campbell, O, Smiles, M ... repressa (in direct comparison), with bulkier build and broader wing. Tail wedge-shaped. Bill long ... of Iran. Website: www.iranbirdrecords.ir/category/Rare-amp-Vagrant-birds. Ławicki, Ł & van den Berg ... to have a closer look. A few days later, KHB told me that this was, in fact, the first record ... brown, darkest brown along wing bend. BARE PARTS  Bill, leg and foot dark grey to black. Eye very

Lancering Dutch Avifauna
CDNA Nieuwsberichten  ·  25 augustus 2012  ·  Projectteam Dutch Avifauna
.  Met deze website hebben wij het werk uit 2001 willen aanvullen en verdiepen.  Bij een ... Langstaartklauwier). Het is de bedoeling dat indienen en rouleren van gevallen ook via deze website gaat lopen. Wij hopen dat per 1 januari in werking te stellen. Zo blijft de website up-to-date.  Wat ... site verder uit te breiden zijn we ook op zoek naar mensen die willen mee helpen. Dit is een ... artikelen op te nemen. Dit is natuurlijk nog lang niet compleet, dit hopen we met jullie hulp verder uit

Request for images for new photographic ID guide (UPDATE)
DB Actueel Online  ·  23 maart 2021  ·  Jack Folkers
(www.agami.nl). Images which all show the ID features Nils describes in detail.

The two-volume book will cover all regular European bird species ... quality images of (sub)species with a wish for a specific gender, age, period in time and/or specific ...

In the last 6 years, Nils van Duivendijk (author) and Marc Guyt have been working on a new European photographic identification guide for KNNV Publishing

Hooded Wheatear near Bacoli, Italy, in May 2023
DB 46:2 (2024)  ·  pagina's 106-108  ·  Marco Del Bene, Alessia Addeo & Rosario Balestrieri
Del Bene found a bird with a somewhat unusual appearance during environmental investigations ... further details were noted with the aid of a telescope, such as the long, thin and dark bill, buff brown ... tail not photographed). Undertail mostly pale cinnamon with dark terminal band. Bare parts  Eye dark ..., Christie, D A & de Juana, E (editors), Birds of the world, Ithaca. Website: https://birdsoftheworld.org ... and long-billed wheatear. Bill relatively long and thin and straight, looking ‘spiky’. Legs rather short

Mystery Bird Competition 2022: results
DB Actueel Online  ·  11 maart 2022  ·  Diederik Kok
Robert van Tiel ... Marsh Tit ... Gull by 67% of the entrants.

  • The singing Marsh Tit (16% correct answers) was identified ... was held. The quiz was organized by Diederik Kok and a replay of the broadcast can be viewed ... Pim Rijk Netherlands

    Birding in Syria - little known destination in the Western Palearctic
    DB 27:3 (2005)  ·  pagina's 155-170  ·  Remco Hofland & Bert Saveyn
    during the past few years, see the website www.gianlucaserra.com/community-based%20conservation.htm ... on the numbers and species of waterfowl encountered during the 2004 winter expedition, see the website ... eremita in Syria: still in time to save the eastern population? Oryx 38: 1-7 (Website www .... The lake is now said to measure 20 x 5 km and has developed reed beds on its (southern) shores. During ... desert. Website: www. andrewsi.freeserve.co.uk/birding-in-jordan.htm. Baumgart, W 1995. Die Vögel

    Monniksgier van Spaans-Franse herkomst in Nederland in maart-augustus 2005
    DB 27:5 (2005)  ·  pagina's 329-332  ·  Enno B Ebels
    maart 2005 ontdekte Willie van Schipstal om c 17:30 een Monniksgier Aegypius monachus ten westen van ... gemeld dat de vogel zich voedde met net uitgekomen Grauwe Ganzen Anser anser, die ook levend zouden ... in its tail. The same bird was briefly seen at Oostvaardersplassen, Flevoland, on 20 and 21 March 2005 ... inscriptie. Ook was te zien dat hij in de linkervleugel enkele gebleekte pennen had. Op grond van ... ochtend waargenomen door c 10 vogelaars, waaronder Garry Bakker, Leo Boon, Rob Goldbach en Robert

    Van de nevelwouden bij Jardin naar het geweldige Las Tangaras
    Birdingbreaks.nl Reisblog  ·  19 december 2013
    Racket-tail en Brown Inca. En ook hier alles weer ontzettend dichtbij en fantastisch te fotograferen ... de reis tot nu toe was, wat een plek! Het totaal voor de trip staat nu overigens op 426 soorten ... en de vogels zaten ook vaak dichtbij en op ooghoogte. Vervolgens was het rijden naar Medellin met nog ... wat een diversiteit ook hier weer. Colombia verrast elke dag. In een paar uur hadden we ook nog ... niet bij, er stonden namelijk een aantal feeders in de tuin. Andean Emerald, Steely-vented

    Donsstormvogel te Camperduin in oktober 1992
    DB 17:1 (1995)  ·  pagina's 1-5  ·  Leo Stegeman, Klaas J Eigenhuis, Nick F van der Ham & Sander Lagerveld
    . Teugel, kin en keel wit. Donkergrijze nek via zijhals uitlopend tot korte aanzet van borstband ... minuut gevolgd worden tot hij rechts uit het zicht verdween. De vogel was continu te zien ... grotere spanwijdte dan bij Noordse Pijlstorm​vogel. Dit wordt ook vermeld bij de beschrijving van een ... voor de hand liggende lokatie als de Portugese kustwateren (240 km ten westen van Lissabon) kwamen ...​nin​gen: Arnoud van den Berg, Bill Bourne, Ned Brinkley, Steve Gantlett, Dick Groenendijk, Kees

    April 18 - 23
    Arjan's Biggest Year  ·  25 april 2016  ·  Arjan Dwarshuis
    to keep up with all the new species. We found goodies like Dusky Tit, Yellow-spotted-, Yellow-billed ... of migrants (predominantly waders).The star birds had to wait till after lunch. First we found two .... Not bad at all, four species of Owls during a half an hours walk in the heat ... dinner we did a night drive and against all expectations we found a new mammal species for all, a Potto! Especially Zareck went nuts as this was his all-time most wanted mammal in Kenya

    World Series of Birding in New Jersey in 1994
    DB 16:4 (1994)  ·  pagina's 151-152  ·  Arnoud B van den Berg
    Birder's World worden gesponsord. Dit uit New Jersey afkomstige team bereikte in 1993 nog de vijfde ... Kowa-Optimed uit Canada, dat in 1993 de race won met 215 soorten. Het Bausch & Lomb-team, in 1993 ... in New Jersey. New Brunswick. Constantine, M 1992. The joy of birding: Transatlantic Vagrants on TV ... 1993), waarvan het beroemdste, Cape May in het uiterste zuid​westen, om middernacht als traditioneel eindpunt van de race fungeert. Men mag 24 uur eerder overal in New Jersey met de big day beginnen

    Red-breasted Goose: satellite tracking, ecology and conservation
    DB 36:2 (2014)  ·  pagina's 73-86  ·  Pavel Simeonov, Meenakshi Nagendran, Ed Michels, Earl Possardt & Didier Vangeluwe
    and to make the results available to the public on the website www.redbreastedgoose.org. To trap and tag Red ... February 1964 (Donchev 1967). During the non-breeding period, flocks co-exist with Greater White ... 1991, Handrinos & Akriotis 1997, Vangeluwe 2005). During mild winters, large numbers may also ..., reaching 100 km/h in some stretches and his flight was similar to what was observed during ... very low winter temperatures, he was still on the site, which indicates that his location serves

    Olive Warbler: an Old World relict in the New World
    DB 37:2 (2015)  ·  pagina's 116-120  ·  Enno B Ebels
    . It differs from all New World warblers by its distinctively notched tail and reduced 10th primary ... species: Olive Warbler. Website: www.maricopaaudubon.org/web-content/species_accounts ..., F & Donsker, D (editors) 2015. IOC World bird list (version 5.1). Website: www.worldbirdnames.org ..., Olive Warbler occurs between Yavapai County, Arizona, and the south-western tip of New Mexico, USA ..., the male sings the most during the mid-morning but, during spring, it sings constantly during

    Indian bird sounds (5 CD set) by Claude Chappuis, Fernand Deroussen & Deepal Warakagoda 2008
    DB 31:6 (2009)  ·  pagina 368  ·  Magnus Robb
    and Black Drongo Dicrurus macrocercus calls, something I myself was duped by during a visit ... is not something I can judge very well myself, having only visited India once, but I noticed ..., are the recordings of Brown Fish Owl Ketupa zeylonensis. After two recordings of song, there is a third ... 033, India; e-mail indianbird@annechappuis.net. EUR 57.00. This publication is the first audio guide ... sounds for the first time. This publication is a major advance on previous Indian sound guides, none

    Rare Birds in The Netherlands in 2006
    CDNA Jaarverslagen  ·  1 december 2007  ·  Roland E van der Vliet, Jan van der Laan, Max Berlijn & CDNA
    as belated and reconsidered records, dating back to 1949, which have been evaluated by the Dutch rarities ... Teal / Siberische Taling
    Anas formosa 8,0,1
    18 May, Landje van Geijsel ... previously been removed from the Dutch list during the reviews of all pre-1980 records by van ... website (www.dutchbirding.nl), using an electronic submission form. Records can also be sent ... forms which can be obtained free of charge from the CDNA. On the website, it is possible to see which

    Rare birds in the Netherlands in 2006
    DB 29:6 (2007)  ·  pagina's 347-374  ·  Roland E van der Vliet, Jan van der Laan, Max Berlijn & CDNA
    be submitted through email (cdna@dutchbirding.nl) or via the CDNA site on the Dutch Birding website .... This report comprises records from 2006 as well as belated and reconsidered records, dating back ... becomes the first. It had previously been removed from the Dutch list during the reviews of all pre-1980 ... for one in September 1994, all birds were trapped during ringing activities. With three birds, 2006 ... which can be obtained free of charge from the CDNA. On the website, it is possible to see which records

    Additional record of hybrid Azure x Blue Tit in Europe
    DB 18:2 (1996)  ·  pagina 83  ·  Robert Potvliege
    260396 Brieven Additional record of hybrid Azure x Blue Tit in Europe In addition to the survey of records of hybrid Azure x Blue Tit Parus cyanus x caeruleus ('Pleske's Tit') in Europe given ... in the first half of this century and both suggested that it could be an aberrant Blue Tit. The specimen ... of a hybrid Azure x Blue Tit which, with near certainty, shows the same bird when trapped. From what ... Blue Tit, rather than an aberrant Blue Tit (Potvliege 1979). The record has not been re-examined

    Recognition of Icelandic Black-tailed Godwit and its occurrence in the Netherlands
    DB 13:4 (1991)  ·  pagina's 128-134  ·  C S (Kees) Roselaar & Gerrit J Gerritsen
    adding some bill data: bill length of eight males 89.7 (84-93) mm, against 99.1 (92-109) mm in 10 males ... undoubtedly has also less during March-April, when still moulting, but none have been examined ...-billed L l islandica from Iceland. During this study, it appeared that other people were also ... to islandica (cf Dutch Birding 11: 185, 1989) in other parts of the Netherlands, thus making a study ... the typical subspecies, but bill c 1 cm smaller; much stronger red colour on head, neck, upperbreast and back

    Gemengd paartje Rotgans en Zwarte Rotgans met twee 'hybride' jongen bij Oude Tonge in winter van 1991/92
    DB 15:2 (1993)  ·  pagina's 61-62  ·  Cor Berrevoets & Aylin Erkman
    worden gefotografeerd (van den Berg 1992). Ook nu viel het gevlamde jong duidelijk op. Wij zagen de ...’ jongen bij Oude Tonge in winter van 1991/92 Gedurende de winter van 1991/92 bezochten wij meerdere malen ... met kort gras begroeid perceel, zochten wij enige tijd naar gekleurringde vogels. Tijdens het ... Erkman de Zwarte Rotgans in het oog. Na enige tijd werd duidelijk dat de vier vogels een gemengd ... andere jong niet van andere jonge Rotganzen verschilde. Via Hans Schekkerman werd Arnoud van den Berg

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