July 3 - 5

July 3 - 5

24 oktober 2016  ·  Arjan Dwarshuis  ·  5543 × bekeken

In 2016 Dutch Birder Arjan Dwarshuis will attempt the ultimate in global birding, to break the world record in birdwatching. This involves observing more than 6000 species in a single year! Here we publish his weekly blog. For more information: http://www.arjandwarshuis.com/#biggestyear Lees meer 

June 29 - July 3

June 29 - July 3

7 augustus 2016  ·  Arjan Dwarshuis  ·  6554 × bekeken 1

In 2016 Dutch Birder Arjan Dwarshuis will attempt the ultimate in global birding, to break the world record in birdwatching. This involves observing more than 6000 species in a single year! Here we publish his weekly blog. For more information: http://www.arjandwarshuis.com/#biggestyear Lees meer 

Masters of Mystery - ronde 7 / round 7

Masters of Mystery - ronde 7 / round 7

18 juli 2016  ·  Jan Bisschop & Roef Mulder  ·  4822 × bekeken

Determineer de vogel op de foto en win een verrekijker! / Please identify the bird on the photo and win a pair of binoculars! Lees meer 

Enorm en ongezien

Enorm en ongezien

4 juli 2016  ·  Hans Pohlmann & Jaap Denee  ·  18980 × bekeken 18

Een samenvatting van de omzwervingen van een jonge Lammergier door Nederland in juni 2016. Lees meer 

Masters of Mystery - oplossing ronde 6 / solution round 6

Masters of Mystery - oplossing ronde 6 / solution round 6

4 juli 2016  ·  Jan Bisschop & Roef Mulder  ·  4961 × bekeken

oplossing / solution mystery bird 6 Lees meer 

Siberia’s Sprite: A history of fascination and desire

Siberia’s Sprite: A history of fascination and desire

3 juli 2016  ·  Gert Ottens  ·  3190 × bekeken

This little book presents all kinds of interesting facts, stories and theories on the natural history of Pallas's Warbler. Lees meer 

June 24 - 28

June 24 - 28

9 augustus 2016  ·  Arjan Dwarshuis  ·  6661 × bekeken 1

In 2016 Dutch Birder Arjan Dwarshuis will attempt the ultimate in global birding, to break the world record in birdwatching. This involves observing more than 6000 species in a single year! Here we publish his weekly blog. For more information: http://www.arjandwarshuis.com/#biggestyear Lees meer 
