August 3 - 11: Argentina (1)

August 3 - 11: Argentina (1)

13 augustus 2016  ·  Arjan Dwarshuis  ·  5623 × bekeken 1

In 2016 Dutch Birder Arjan Dwarshuis will attempt the ultimate in global birding, to break the world record in birdwatching. This involves observing more than 6000 species in a single year! Here we publish his weekly blog. For more information: Lees meer 

July 26 - August 3: Brazil (3)

July 26 - August 3: Brazil (3)

9 augustus 2016  ·  Arjan Dwarshuis  ·  5982 × bekeken 1

In 2016 Dutch Birder Arjan Dwarshuis will attempt the ultimate in global birding, to break the world record in birdwatching. This involves observing more than 6000 species in a single year! Here we publish his weekly blog. For more information: Lees meer 

July 20- 25: Brazil (2)

July 20- 25: Brazil (2)

9 augustus 2016  ·  Arjan Dwarshuis  ·  4567 × bekeken 1

In 2016 Dutch Birder Arjan Dwarshuis will attempt the ultimate in global birding, to break the world record in birdwatching. This involves observing more than 6000 species in a single year! Here we publish his weekly blog. For more information: Lees meer 

Masters of Mystery - ronde 9 / round 9

Masters of Mystery - ronde 9 / round 9

1 augustus 2016  ·  Jan Bisschop & Roef Mulder  ·  4988 × bekeken

Determineer de vogel op de foto en win een verrekijker! / Please identify the bird on the photo and win a pair of binoculars! Lees meer 

Masters of Mystery - oplossing ronde 8 / solution round 8

Masters of Mystery - oplossing ronde 8 / solution round 8

1 augustus 2016  ·  Jan Bisschop & Roef Mulder  ·  5179 × bekeken 1

oplossing / solution mystery bird 8 Lees meer 

July 13 - 20: Brazil (1)

July 13 - 20: Brazil (1)

9 augustus 2016  ·  Arjan Dwarshuis  ·  5860 × bekeken 1

In 2016 Dutch Birder Arjan Dwarshuis will attempt the ultimate in global birding, to break the world record in birdwatching. This involves observing more than 6000 species in a single year! Here we publish his weekly blog. For more information: Lees meer 

Ondersteun South Georgia Diving Petrel-onderzoek / Support South Georgia Diving Petrel research

Ondersteun South Georgia Diving Petrel-onderzoek / Support South Georgia Diving Petrel research

28 juli 2016  ·  Johannes Fischer  ·  2975 × bekeken 1

Ga naar en steun het onderzoek aan een ernstig bedreigde zeevogelsoort! / Go to and support conservation of an endangered seabird! Lees meer 
