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Varia: Pander's Ground Jay
Varia  ·  5 oktober 2016  ·  Enno Ebels
and synthesis. Ecol Soc 14: article 21. Website: www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol14/iss1/art21. Gavrilov ... and shape of a wheatear Oenanthe) was recognized, Hume’s Ground Jay, but this species is now considered to be a ‘terrestrial tit’ rather than a ground jay, and is currently known as Ground Tit ...: ‘the Turki name is Kil yurgha, which has reference to the bird running in the trail of horses ... just been hit, being attended by its parent. 492-493 Habitat of Pander’s Ground Jay Podoces

Friesland Big Day 16 mei 2021
DB Actueel Online  ·  22 mei 2021  ·  Folkert Jan Hoogstra
rijden. Deze is helaas stil. Ook zingt de Wielewaal, die er vast zit, niet. Ach, deze komen later wel ... de vogel blijft stil. Dan hoort Jeroen een Sijs die aan onze kant over het bos vliegt. Wij horen de ... de zon. Door het windstille weer kon de jas echter al snel uit. Gedurende de dag drie korte buitjes ... weg naar het gebied treffen we Vincent Douwes die ook bezig is aan een Big Day. Hij is echter die .... Dit roept enkele herinneringen op aan de Texel Big Day van 2018, waarbij we in een dik uur tijd maar

Wintering hybrids Pine Bunting x Yellowhammer in northern Iran
DB 25:1 (2003)  ·  pagina's 40-43  ·  Raffael Aye & Manuel Schweizer
, Glutz von Blotzheim & Bauer (1997) talk of it as a hybrid without mentioning any doubts about its ... together suggest regular wintering of this type of hybrids in Iran. Observations During a birding trip ... be birds which still carry Yellowhammer genes but do not show any hybrid feature (ie, no yellow at all ... mistnets and a tape lure playing Pine Bunting song were installed. Until dusk, six male buntings were ... 2 cm from the tip (no exact measurement available). However, there is much variation in this feature

Iberische Tjiftjaffen in Nederland Roy Slaterus
DB 29:2 (2007)  ·  pagina's 83-90  ·  Roy Slaterus
een Iberische Tjiftjaf vastgesteld, bij Baarn, Utrecht. In die tijd stond dit taxon bekend als een ... Iberische Tjiftjaf, die broedt van het noordwesten van Spanje tot in het westen van de Franse Pyreneeën ... uit. Dit kwam omdat behalve de hierboven beschreven zang ook zangstrofen werden gehoord die meer leken ... and eye ring and length of bill and tail are clues for Iberian Chiffchaff. 000 Iberische Tjiftjaf ... Phylloscopus ibericus strekt zich uit over het noorden en westen van het Iberisch Schiereiland en het

Eastern yellow wagtails in Europe: identification and vocalisations
DB 36:5 (2014)  ·  pagina's 295-311  ·  Sander Bot, Dick Groenendijk & H Herman van Oosten
Palearctic. London. Gill, F & Donsker, D (editors) 2014. IOC World bird list (version 4.3). Website ... bestaat uit twee delen: een stijgend, ‘glad’ deel en een dalend deel. Dit dalende deel is ook ‘glad’ bij ... and status of Dutch (sub)species (Sangster et al 1999). Until now, CSNA appears to recognize 10 species ...​nyx on one hand and all other taxa on the other (ödeen & Alström 2001, Alström & ödeen 2002, Voelker ..., terwijl dit kleed bij oostelijke gele kwikstaarten bij een derde tot de helft van de individuen

Gouldian Finch
DB 37:3 (2015)  ·  pagina's 184-190  ·  Jos Lemmens
Soc Lond B 278: 2798-2805. O’Malley, C 2005. Gouldian Finch sightings kit. Website: http ...-orange legs and a bill that varies in colour from white with a red tip in non-breeding season to pearl ... (Jos Lemmens) visited the STGF research centre in New South Wales, right in the Australian ‘bush ... x 0.6 x 0.6 m is six. If you put in eight, two will not make it. Therefore, everywhere ... that even among same colour head-morphs, stress still takes its toll and occasionally some specimens

Voices of Amazonian birds: Birds of the rain forest of southern Peru and northern Bolivia 1-3 (three audio CDs) by Thomas S Schulenberg, Curtis Marantz & Peter H English; Voices of Andean birds 1: Birds of the Hill Forest of Southern Peru and Bolivia (audio CD) by Thomas S Schulenberg; Voices of Andean birds 2: Birds of the cloud forest of southern Peru and Bolivia (audio CD) by Thomas S Schulenberg
DB 24:1 (2002)  ·  pagina's 26-27  ·  Sjoerd Mayer
Woo-Shin Lee, Tae-Hoe Koo & Jin-Young Park 2000. A field guide to the birds of Korea. LG Evergreen ... ago as 1986. Although this book is still the standard, a lot has changed since. Despite many websites ... in Quito, telling him about a record of four American Avocets Recurvirostra americana which Rob ter ... overwinteringsgebied geweest. Voor wie nog wil gaan zoeken: de ‘pikgulpen’ of ‘gevlekte wulpen ... coming from Meyer de Schauensee’s A guide to the birds of South America dating back to 1970. Especially

Solutions of third round: Caspian Reed Warbler, Hobby, Cirl Bunting & Common Gull
DB 20:1 (1998)  ·  pagina's 36-41  ·  Diederik Kok & Nils van Duivendijk
mystery photographs during the competition (six rounds). In case of joint winners, one winner ...: this year’s competition will consist of six rounds of two mystery birds each. The six issues of the 1998 volume will, therefore, contain two new mystery birds as well as the solutions of the previous .... This year, they will award a pair of the highly acclaimed Swarovski SLC 8x30 WB binoculars (value c NLG 1700 ... having identified both mystery birds correctly, three persons will be drawn who will receive a copy

Roodkeelnachtegaal in Hoogwoud in januari-april 2016 [Siberian Rubythroat at Hoogwoud in January-april 2016]
DB 39:1 (2017)  ·  pagina's 22-31  ·  Remco Hofland, Wietze Janse & Ferry Ossendorp
joeg een kat hem de tuin uit. Vervolgens werd hij in enkele tuinen in de directe omgeving gezien ... c 1 min per keer. Op 17 januari werd hij ook meermalen gezien in vegetatie buiten de tuin; op deze ..., doorlopend tot net achter oog, uitlopend in lichte grijsbruine tint richting achterhoofd. Brede zwarte ... was vastgesteld! WJ nam contact op met HdB om te achterhalen waar en hoe de vogel was gezien. Onder ... schuttingen, en werd nog gezien door c vijf van de c 30 aanwezige waarnemers. Die avond arrangeerden HdB

Solutions of fourth round 1998: Corn Crake and Melodious Warbler
DB 20:5 (1998)  ·  pagina 244  ·  Diederik Kok & Nils van Duivendijk
between the eye and bill, a dark crown, and a pale, unmarked throat and neck/breast. Immature Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax shows most of these features, but in non-juvenile plumage, when the neck ... the visible primary-tips often increase towards the wing-tip. On the other hand, the fairly contrasting ..., pale edges to the secondaries forming a wing-panel, square-ended tail and pale-edged outer tail ... the number of visible primary-tips and the spacing between them. Firstly, there are about six primary-tips

Westelijke Orpheusgrasmus in Middelburg in oktober-november 2003
DB 30:1 (2008)  ·  pagina's 13-16  ·  Pim A Wolf & Enno B Ebels
was wel erg mobiel en vloog regelmatig meer dan 100 m voordat hij weer in een haag landde. Na enige tijd ...’ vast te stellen. De snavel lijkt echter overeen te komen met die van Westelijke en zou bij een ... alleen een witte driehoek bij de top. Bij Westelijke is er gemiddeld meer wit op de binnenvlag ... werd bij Westelijke een zeer geringe hoeveelheid wit aan de top van t6 bij museumonderzoek echter ... drooping in Eastern Orphean), and large area of white on inner web of the outer tail-feather. The tail

Solutions of second round 1998: Rustic Bunting and Golden Eagle
DB 20:3 (1998)  ·  pagina's 122-124  ·  Diederik Kok & Nils van Duivendijk
. Jan-Joost Bouwman, Rob Bouwman, Hannu Jännes, Mark Nieuwenhuis and Dave van der Spoel are now ... as these feathers are renewed during the post-juvenile moult. Therefore, the mystery bird is still ... a bit too long for the two ‘spotted eagles’ (although this is difficult to judge from the photograph ... and heavy bill with elongated nostrils all fit this species. On the other hand, one would expect ... correctly: Jan-Joost Bouwman, Rob Bouwman, Hannu Jännes, Hilde Karssen, Mark Nieuwenhuis, Gert Ottens

Solutions of fourth round 2000: Ménétries's Warbler and Lesser Short-toed Lark; Fifth and sixth round 2000
DB 22:5 (2000)  ·  pagina's 288-290  ·  Diederik Kok & Nils van Duivendijk
(Belgium) and Mark Gal (Netherlands) still maintained their 100% score. Hot on their heels are Peter ... of a supercilium and obvious outer tail markings. The reddish-tinged orbital ring indicates ...-brown upperparts and a contrasting blackish tail and the tertials and greater coverts show only ... tail and lack of grey tone to the rump and uppertail-coverts exclude this species. Also, in first ... with a rather dark tail, which is typical for Ménétries’s Warbler. Female-type Sardinian Warbler differs

Collins Bird Guide app for Android v0.6.7
Recensies  ·  18 juni 2017  ·  Yoav Perlman
ID and audio files is very handy in the field.The app website promises free 59 ‘stunning videos ... app I was so jealous. Now I can look them in the eye and declare – I have a Collins Bird Guide app ... function does not work on my phone, so I manually select region), time (breeding or non-breeding ... was not impressed by the results. I tested the app with a few pretty striking birds, e.g. Black Wheatear ... be created either through the main menu or by adding species from species ‘pages’. In an era of cutting

Solutions of third round 1998: Common Guillemot and Oriental Lark
DB 20:4 (1998)  ·  pagina's 179-181  ·  Diederik Kok & Nils van Duivendijk
answers each, closely followed by Sietze Bernardus, Jan-Joost Bouwman, Rob Bouwman, Jan van der Laan, Timo ... is actually caused by some water drops, and, above all, the mystery bird misses the compact, neck-less ... correctly by only six entrants; incorrect answers consisted of a wild variety of waterbirds ..., endemic to the Cape Verde Islands, is characterized by a long, deep-based bill, still heavier ... of the mystery bird also does not fit many other lark species (including all members of the genera

Avifauna van Limburg door Fred Hustings, Jo van der Coelen, Boena van Noorden, Ran Schols & Paul Voskamp
DB 30:1 (2008)  ·  pagina 36  ·  John van der Woude
Limburg. Stichting Natuurpublicaties Limburg, Maastricht; e-mail kantoor@nhgl.nl, website www.nhgl.nl ... die tijd een knap stuk werk, en de historische inleiding gaat dan ook uitgebreid in op de verdiensten ... moet hebben, hoeft eigenlijk geen betoog. Wat ik op deze plaats echter vooral wil aantonen, is dat ... (CDNA) zoveel mogelijk als maatstaf voor het wel of niet opnemen van waarnemingen aangehouden. Bij ...). In een aantal gevallen is die status ‘niet door CDNA aanvaard’. Bij zulke niet-aanvaarde meldingen

North Atlantic Seabirds - Multimedia Identification Guide to Storm-petrels & Bulwer's Petrel
Recensies  ·  17 juni 2012
Bob Flood & Ashley Fisher, 2011. Scilly Pelagics. Hardback, 212 pp + 2 dvd's (120 min). ISBN ... zachte, houtskoolachtige stijl, maar ondanks die 'softheid' vol van detail en levensechtheid, zoals we ... Jogger!Voor iedere vogelaar -ik zeg bewust geen 'zeevogelaar'- is dit een gids die je zou moeten beleven. Bob en Ashley hebben een monumentaal werk uitgebracht en in de wetenschap dat dit pas de eerste ... 'los gaan'. Naast hun eigen grote expertise op zeevogelgebied, konden de auteurs ook gebruik maken

Range extension of Great Grey Owl in Europe
DB 35:3 (2013)  ·  pagina's 145-154  ·  Łukasz Ławicki, Andrej V Abramčuk, Sergey V Domashevsky, Uku Paal, Roar Solheim, Tomasz Chodkiewicz & Bartłomiej Woźniak
in mid-central Sweden one and 11 years earlier (Berg et al 2011). During the winter of 2011/12 ... by German ornithologists working in Belarus during World War I. Two nests were found in the Białowieża ... in 2009 but nesting has yet to be confirmed. Finally, Great Grey Owls nested for the first time ... for their detection. In Estonia, the species was probably also overlooked. During the last two decades ... jaren 1960 tot het begin van de jaren 1990. In Zweden nam de populatie opvallend toe van 1960 tot ver

SKÅNE'S ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY 2008. A guide to birdwatching in Skåne, southern Sweden.
Recensies  ·  29 juli 2009
at the south-western tip of Sweden's southernmost province, Skåne, now connected to Denmark by a bridge ... Ornithological Society / Skånes Ornitologiska Förening (SkOF), Box 96, 221 00 Lund, Sweden; e-mail birds@skof.se, website www.skof.se. 192 pp. ISBN 978-91-86572-42-6. EUR 25.00.The Falsterbo peninsula ... patterns and for knowing how to divide your time at the peninsula. It also gave a few interesting ... remarkable species, and observation tips. For the whole province, a map with all sites is provided, plus

NIK BORROW & RON DEMEY 2004. Birds of Western Africa.
Recensies  ·  13 maart 2009
-mailornithology@acblack.com, website www.acblack.com.510 pp. ISBN 0-7136-6692-7. GBP 29.99.It was with some trepidation that we opened this 'condensed'version for the first time! Nik Borrow .... They are too large to fit adjacent to the text and areprinted on overleafs (along with spill-over ... of a field guide, but atthe same time it is sturdy and well-bound. The book stillretains its ... for WestAfrica for you! Still, we urge you to use the original version,as it will ensure more accurate

Solutions of first round 1999: Broad-billed Sandpiper and Calandra Lark; Second round 1999
DB 21:2 (1999)  ·  pagina's 113-114  ·  Diederik Kok & Nils van Duivendijk
fall quite close to the tail-tip (tail projection usually less than 50% of the primary projection .... To start with structural differences between both species, the tail projection beyond the wing-tips can be helpful. Calandra Lark is the longer-tailed bird of the two and when perched the tail projection ... the darker culmen and bill-tip seen in many Bimaculated. Although the bill-pattern in both species is subject ... from the base of the bill to just behind the eye and narrows towards its rear end. This shape fits

Pygmy Cormorant in Lys valley, Belgium/France, in December 2000-January 2001
DB 24:1 (2002)  ·  pagina's 1-6  ·  Christophe Capelle & Gunter De Smet
comparison), with long tail, small head, short thick neck and shortish wings. Bill short, blunt and deep ... eutrophication and its effects on food availability. Remains of Pygmy Cormorants dating back from the Middle ... December, the bird was seen during most of the day, first at Ploegsteert and then at Warneton. On New ... at c 09:00 not to be seen again for the rest of the day. During early morning of New Year’s Day ... halfway bill. Throat bulging. In flight, projection of rump and tail beyond base of wing slightly

Looking back: 12 years Masters of Mystery
DB 31:3 (2009)  ·  pagina's 181-183  ·  Dick Groenendijk, Rob S A van Bemmelen, Nils van Duivendijk & Diederik Kok
2001. From 2002, their task was taken over by Rob van Bemmelen and Dick Groenendijk until early 2009, with assistance by Jan Eerbeek during the last two years. Entrants Every first and second round ... issue, the selection of the mystery photographs was a very delicate and challenging job ... In 1997, Nils van Duivendijk and Diederik Kok initiated ‘Masters of Mystery’ as a new bird ... photographers’ was rather low during the 12 years. The most regular suppliers were Arnoud van den Berg

Systematics of Larus argentatus-cachinnans-fuscus complex: a review
DB 24:5 (2002)  ·  pagina's 271-298  ·  Pierre Yésou
During this time, new research tools helped to improve our understanding of the Herring Gull Group ... size and a grey mantle and wings, usually with a black wing-tip showing one or two white mirrors ... (2001), waiting for the results of genetic studies, did not discuss the possible systematic ... fuscus (Jonsson 1998a). The two taxa should then mix easily if they have not developed any ... recognition is more debated. The fact that mantle colour varies clinally within graellsii-intermedius

Olive-backed Pipits and Yellow-browed Warblers at Cap Blanc peninsula, Mauritania, in November 2016
DB 39:2 (2017)  ·  pagina's 103-105  ·  Rob S A van Bemmelen, Tom van Spanje & C J (Kees) Camphuysen
2016 In the morning of 13 November 2016, Rob van Bemmelen and Tom van Spanje observed two Olive-backed ... white supercilium (behind eye), and white and black dot at the rear of the ear-coverts. Both Yellow-browed Warblers were silent but showed all key morphological characteristics: a tiny songbird with two ...). Taking as references Isenmann et al (2010), online bird sighting databases (www.observado.org ...: within the autumn migration period, with still sufficient time to reach potential wintering areas south

African Darter in Israel in May 2004 and its WP occurrence
DB 28:4 (2006)  ·  pagina's 214-218  ·  Gert Ottens
swimming and diving, therefore underparts not seen. Tail Glossy black. Bare parts Bill horn ... catching or eating prey. Distribution and taxonomy Two species of Anhingidae are recognized ... longer body and very long tail. Bill egret/heron-like, long and pointed. Tail shape not noted ... and diving. Usually, when emerging from diving, only head and neck visible and pointing almost straight up ...; in those instances, at least neck/head, wings/back and tail almost level with water surface

Witkeelkwikstaart bij Makkum in mei 2004
DB 34:1 (2012)  ·  pagina's 32-37  ·  Sander Bot, Dick Groenendijk, Eddy Nieuwstraten, Ferry Ossendorp & Mark Zekhuis
achter het oog en de keel was scherp wit begrensd. EN riep MZ erbij en ook hij bevestigde het beeld ... (Alström et al 2003) maar de raspende roep sluit dit taxon uit en de witte keel is bij de meeste van dit type vogels minder scherp afgesneden dan bij de vogel van Makkum. Boven​dien is een wit ... wenkbrauwstrepen is dus relatief groot. Dit bleek ook uit een beknopt onderzoek door FO naar mannetjes Italiaanse .... Minder goed bekend is dat Iberische ook variatie in het koppatroon vertoont. De wenkbrauwstreep bij dit

In Memoriam: Oane Tol
In Memoriam  ·  22 november 2011  ·  Redactie Dutch Birding
Oane Tol overleden, op 65-jarige leeftijd; hij is niet meer bij kennis geweest nadat hij door de ... hebben gezien. Een ieder die dat wil kan afscheid van Oane komen nemen tijdens de plechtigheid ... roofvogels. Zijn 'jachtgebied' was vooral de Lauwersmeer en omgeving, waar hij af en toe mooie ... maar hij reisde ook regelmatig verder van huis voor een goede soort. Zijn laatste nieuwe soort was de ...


History, status and distribution of Andalusian Buttonquail in the WP
DB 33:2 (2011)  ·  pagina's 75-93  ·  Carlos Gutiérrez Expósito, José Luis Copete, Pierre-André Crochet, Abdeljebbar Qninba & Héctor Garrido
: 129-347. Gill, F & Donsker, D (editors) 2010. IOC world bird names (version 2.6). Website ... their mating calls, a very low, cattle-like hoooo, that can hardly be heard at some distance ... these observations, saying that even the museum specimen could be of non-Catalan origin, and discarding a natural ... before starting out to walk in any given area. If you try to find buttonquails in scrub areas ... work during the last 15 years of research and expeditions. Many thanks go to all of them: Maribel

Solutions of second round 2000: White-tailed Eagle and Steller's Eider; third round 2000
DB 22:3 (2000)  ·  pagina's 157-159  ·  Diederik Kok & Nils van Duivendijk
tail fits this species, but several other features shown by the mystery bird seem wrong. In the mystery bird, the bill seems too heavy and the neck too long and too thick for this species. Furthermore ... and heavy bill with nearly straight basal part of the culmen, short tail in relation to the broad wings ...), a relatively longer tail, narrower wings and often just six fingered primaries (often seven in White-tailed ... of the wing without any sign of moult and the unworn tips to the flight-feathers indicate a juvenile
