Handhaving van de Dutch Birding gedragsregels

Handhaving van de Dutch Birding gedragsregels

23 december 2016  ·  Remco Hofland  ·  4405 × bekeken

Dutch Birding heeft een aantal gedragsregels voor twitchers opgesteld en gepubliceerd. Het bestuur wil deze graag opnieuw onder de aandacht brengen. Lees meer 

November 3 - 9: Panama

November 3 - 9: Panama

13 november 2016  ·  Arjan Dwarshuis  ·  4236 × bekeken

In 2016 Dutch Birder Arjan Dwarshuis will attempt the ultimate in global birding, to break the world record in birdwatching. This involves observing more than 6000 species in a single year! Here we publish his weekly blog. For more information: http://www.arjandwarshuis.com/#biggestyear Lees meer 

Bruine Lijster in Groningen - Update

Bruine Lijster in Groningen - Update

16 november 2016  ·  Jos Welbedacht  ·  9119 × bekeken 15

Bruine Lijster in Groningen Lees meer 

Masters of Mystery - oplossing ronde 15 / solution round 15

Masters of Mystery - oplossing ronde 15 / solution round 15

8 november 2016  ·  Jan Bisschop & Roef Mulder  ·  4268 × bekeken

oplossing / solution mystery bird 15 Lees meer 

Unprecedented influx of Siberian Accentors in Europe - a monthly summary

Unprecedented influx of Siberian Accentors in Europe - a monthly summary

8 november 2016  ·  Łukasz Ławicki, Arjan van Egmond, Magnus Hellström & Mika Bruun  ·  26165 × bekeken 13

October is a great time for rarities in the WP. In recent years, the Azores had the most extreme vagrants, mostly from North America. But in this autumn, our attention focused mainly on rarities from Siberia. Large numbers of rare warblers, thrushes and buntings daily enthused many observers. However, probably no one expected an influx of Siberian Accentors Prunella montanella, as the previous individual was found... five years ago! Lees meer 

Masters of Mystery - ronde 16 / round 16

Masters of Mystery - ronde 16 / round 16

6 november 2016  ·  Jan Bisschop & Roef Mulder  ·  3991 × bekeken

Determineer de vogel op de foto en win een verrekijker! / Please identify the bird on the photo and win a pair of binoculars! Lees meer 

October 30 - November 2: Cuba

October 30 - November 2: Cuba

6 november 2016  ·  Arjan Dwarshuis  ·  4696 × bekeken 1

In 2016 Dutch Birder Arjan Dwarshuis will attempt the ultimate in global birding, to break the world record in birdwatching. This involves observing more than 6000 species in a single year! Here we publish his weekly blog. For more information: http://www.arjandwarshuis.com/#biggestyear Lees meer 
