
Zoekresultaten voor '❤️ Websted til dating: www.Dating4Me.site ❤️ Dating Agentur Job Nyc Craigslist':

Groene Fitissen in Vlaardingen in juni 2019 en op Texel in juni 2020 [Green Warblers at Vlaardingen in June 2019 and on Texel in June 2020]
DB 43:4 (2021)  ·  pagina's 279-286  ·  Francien Domenie, Tim Schipper, Roy Slaterus & Enno B Ebels
de eerste recordshots viel een gele keel op die doorliep over de borst. Ook leek er wat groengeel in de kop te zitten en dit alles maakte het tot een spannende vogel. De waarneming werd om 07:33 via Dutch Bird Alerts doorgegeven als Grauwe – maar wel met kanttekeningen. Ruud van Beusekom, Job ten ... 2009. Identification of Two-barred, Greenish, Bright-green and Arctic Warblers. Website: https ... determinatie verklaarde ook de gele tint op de borst die een aantal vogelaars had waargenomen. Zoekacties na

Big Day 2010, of van oude mannen die ook nog een keer moeten...
DB Actueel Online  ·  28 mei 2010
rietkraag van amper 10 meter (how low can you go?) en Krooneend is ook snel gevonden. Bij Makkum ... goed, in de supermarkt gaan de andere rijen voor de kassa ook altijd sneller dan de rij waar jij ... Regenwulp. Bij Julianadorp en Den Helder zijn Sperwer en Iberische Tjiftjaf ook makkelijk. Via Mariëndal ... meebrengt!Roelof en Jan op zoek naar Steenuil; let op de infrarood-brillen (zie ook Silence of the Lambs ... Heemskerk en Jan van der Laan een poging om het inmiddels magische en steeds meer onhaalbare record uit 2003

Important Bird Areas in Turkey by Gernant Magnin & Murat Yarar
DB 19:6 (1997)  ·  pagina 292  ·  Tom M van der Have
assessment. Flood control and damming may locally improve the availability of water but often ... (DHKD), PO Box 18, 80810 Bebek-Istanbul, Turkey. 320 pp. ISBN 975-96081-7-0. USD 35.00. Everyone .... It is a milestone publication and the first of its kind for Turkey. 97 Turkish sites are described ... scrubs and wetlands, Arabian semi-deserts, Caucasian mountains and central Asian steppes all can ... International, is the leading Turkish non-governmental organisation that takes action to conserve

Huisgierzwaluw bij Westkapelle
DB Actueel Online  ·  8 juni 2021  ·  Rob Sponselee

Ondertussen komt bij mij het besef dat dit de eerste twitchbare voor Nederland is, maar het zit wel ... dit alles viel het donkere oog met de donkere wenkbrauw nogal op, ook in contrast met de lichtere ... zonder duidelijke bleke randen, in tegenstelling tot bij de Belgische vogel. Zie ook de grotere ... was. Tjonge jonge, wat spannend. "Alert blijven, Rob, focussen, rustig blijven", zei ik, bij .... Dat heeft het (recente) verleden ook wel bewezen. Mede hierdoor vogel ik het liefst alleen op

Amerikaanse Goudplevieren op Texel en bij Stavoren in oktober en november 1989
DB 16:2 (1994)  ·  pagina's 54-58  ·  Enno B Ebels, Tom M F Kompier & Klaas Zwaan
. Bij aanzicht van kop recht van voren witte wenkbrauw​streep, wit voorhoofd en lichte vlek onder oog .... KOP & HALS  Wenkbrauwstreep zeer lichtgrijs tot wit, lopend van boven oog tot op oorstreek. Kruin ... nieuws was verspreid konden die middag c 40 mensen, waaronder ook nog enkele vogelaars van de vaste ... even diepe snavelbasis. Snavellengte ‘omgeklapt’ vanaf bevedering tot vlak achter oog reikend. KOP ... veel witter dan bij alle aanwezige Goud​ple​vie​ren), voor oog meer lichtgrijs en verbonden met

Solutions of fifth round 1998: Tickell's Thrush and Yellow-legged Gull
DB 20:6 (1998)  ·  pagina's 300-303  ·  Diederik Kok & Nils van Duivendijk
and some pale patterning. Also, the eye is dark, the bill is still all-black, the visible primaries ... Beusekom, Rob Bouwman, Steve Dodgson, Jan van der Laan, Sander Lagerveld, Timo Marijnissen, Jamie McLaren ... Laan, Sander Lagerveld and Timo Marijnissen with seven and Rob Bouwman, Mark Nieuwenhuis, Jyrki ... of the mystery bird are dark except for a narrow whitish fringe around the feather-tip which does ... to the outermost coverts), making the dark panel over the greater coverts less conspicuous. Also, Yellow-legged

Wereldwijde Big Day op 9 mei 2015
Evenementen  ·  5 mei 2015
will depend on all of you and how many others you can help get excited about this single day celebration ...For more than 30 years, Cornell's Team Sapsucker has been doing Big Days to raise money ... on the Lab Big Days). The Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Big Day efforts have also provided an ideal way ... with you to engage people to go out and try to find birds on 9 May. This year is a little different from ... and look for particular species to see what we can find together. Who will get Island Scrub-Jay? How

Birds new to Britain 1980-2004
DB 28:1 (2006)  ·  pagina 32  ·  Adrian Pitches & Tim Cleeves Gert Ottens
Adrian Pitches & Tim Cleeves 2005. Birds new to Britain 1980-2004. T & AD Poyser/A&C Black Publishers Ltd, 37 Soho Square, London W1D 3QZ, UK; e-mail ornithology@acblack.com, website www.acblack.com ... this publication with its promising title, because finder’s accounts are among my favourite pieces ...’ must be the birding equivalent of having a cardiac arrest! These feelings of elation were already ... drawing, most of which were specially commissioned for this book. Although not always artistically

Rafael Armada - Portfolio 1
Recensies  ·  24 juni 2024  ·  René Pop
titel ‘Portfolio 1’ duidt al op de lading, een prachtige collectie foto’s uit zijn rijke collectie ... benadering. Het boek heeft ruwweg drie onderverdelingen. De vogels van de Zuidpool, die van Zuid-Amerika en zeevogels van vooral zuidelijke oceanen. In het bijzonder bij de laatste groep zitten ....

Bij ... aanrader.

René Pop

The Italian Job Part 2: Mystery Solved!
DB Actueel Online  ·  10 juli 2023  ·  Melissah Rowe, Ruth Fawthrop, & Peter de Vries (Netherlands Institute of Ecology, NIOO-KNAW), Mark Ravinet (University of Nottingham, UK), George Pacheco (University of Oslo, Norway)
punt bij een ander punt ligt, hoe genetisch meer gelijk deze twee punten zijn. Individuen die tot dezelfde soort behoren, zullen dus bij elkaar clusteren, terwijl individuen die tot een andere soort ...): m.rowe@nioo.knaw.nl


De Italiaanse Job Deel 2 ... fenotype'). Maar het zou ook nog een hybride van de eerste generatie tussen een Huismus en een ... for genomic analysis, before releasing him straight back into his garden. After extracting DNA from

Birding in Panama – from forest floor to canopy
DB 31:5 (2009)  ·  pagina's 271-290  ·  Enno B Ebels & R J W (Roef) Mulder
-flanked M axilla​ris and Dot-winged Antwren Microrhopias quixen​sis), two species of antthrushes (Black ... Trogon T massena) and all six were seen during our visit in June 2009. All are predominantly dark ... sit motionless for quite some time, making them difficult to find (when they are not calling ... are close enough for these medium-length lenses to do the job. Nearly all photographs accompanying ...), trip reports and relevant websites, as well as information by contacts in Panama (see Acknowledgements

Woordenboek van de Limburgse dialecten, Deel III, Aflevering 1: Vogels door Joep Kruijsen & Woordenboek van de Brabantse dialecten, Deel III, Aflevering 1: Vogels door Jos Swanenberg
DB 24:3 (2002)  ·  pagina 166  ·  Klaas J Eigenhuis
Joep Kruijsen 2001. Woordenboek van de Limburgse dialecten, Deel III, Aflevering 1: Vogels. Koninklijke Van Gorcum, Assen. 270 (+50) pp. ISBN 90-232-3753-6. EUR 38.57. Jos Swanenberg 2001 ... (in deel III de secties 1 tot en met 4: 1 De mens als individu, 2 Het huiselijk leven, 3 Het ... vogelnamen zijn. Dit kan niet anders verklaard worden dan uit een grote betrokkenheid van de mensen ... Nederlanden altijd in de agrarische sector werkzaam zijn geweest, en dit deels nóg zijn. Maar

First-year Herring Gulls mimicking Smithsonian Gull
DB 30:1 (2008)  ·  pagina's 1-6  ·  Peter Adriaens, Mars Muusse & Rik Winters
of some of these features to a certain degree, eg, a nearly all-dark tail, combined with a darker than ..., this feature is much more regular). An all-dark or largely dark tail (with some pale vermiculations on the outer one or two tail-feathers at most) has been documented in several first-year birds ..., Pas-de-Calais, France, 7 February 2003 (Mars Muusse). Bird with all-dark tail and uniformly ... in plate 9). It was present at IJmuiden for many months, at least until January 2008. White tail corners

Solutions of fourth round 1999: Mallard and Wilson's Snipe; Fifth round 1999
DB 21:5 (1999)  ·  pagina's 275-283  ·  Diederik Kok & Nils van Duivendijk
in the tail. Taking into account the complex moult strategy of both species (especially Northern ... between the four species. In the mystery bird, the tail projection beyond the wing-tip is relatively ... characterized by broad buffish edges to the scapulars and a lot of white in the outer tail-feathers ... show a longer tail and only very small white tips to the greater coverts. Falcated Duck M falcata ... Swinhoe’s Snipe is very similar to Pintail in most respects, its tail projection is more similar

Birds of Kazakhstan: new and interesting data, part 10
DB 43:1 (2021)  ·  pagina's 32-37  ·  Arend Wassink, Sean Minns & Tim Sykes
of the world, Ithaca. Website: https://doi.org/10.2173/bow.wooshr1.01. Arend Wassink, Joan Hodshonstraat 6 ... and on 4 June 2020, one was found dead at Prorva Point, Mangystau province (Tim Sykes pers obs ..., Tim Sykes pers obs) 1-9 May, Bautino, Mangystau province, female 2-9 May, Bautino, Mangystau ... pers obs, Tim Sykes pers obs) 2-5 August 2019, Prorva Point, Mangystau province, first calendar-year ..., Express issue 1117: 861-864. [In Russian.] Lastukhin, A A 2015b. Red-wattled Lapwing. Website: www.xeno

Fiets Big Day op de Noordwest-Veluwe: 148 soorten in 12 uur!
DB Actueel Online  ·  16 mei 2019  ·  Sjoerd Radstaak
, een soort die net als Graspieper, Wulp en Grutto steeds lastiger lijkt te worden… Eenmaal uit het bos ...’ 5 soorten op team Rob Compaijen, Thomas Lameris (een Groninger N.B.) en ondergetekende. Dat team ... waarschijnlijk. Het is dus twee tegen twee. En, net als vorig jaar, van 04:00 tot 16:00. Los van de verschillen ... Kwikstaart. Sperwer en Flamingo zijn ‘switch’-soorten (wij wel, zij niet en vice versa). Toch ... misschien ook wel de langste route ooit: we fietsen meer dan 160 km die dag! Oh ja, die magische grens

Solutions of sixth round 1998: Spanish Sparrow and Cyprus Warbler; First round 1999
DB 21:1 (1999)  ·  pagina's 48-52  ·  Diederik Kok & Nils van Duivendijk
edged tertials, long primary-projection and stubby bill. With Rock Sparrow Petronia petronia having ... The large gulls of North America by Jon L Dunn, Larry Rosche and John W Vanderpoel, donated by Bird ... on his heels were Sietse Bernardus and (the only 19-year old) Timo Marijnissen with nine, Jan van der ... most mystery photographs during the competition (six rounds). In case of joint winners, one winner ... primary-projection consisting of only three exposed primary-tips (instead of the five or six

Helmeted Guineafowl in Arabia: distribution, origin, morphology and taxonomy
DB 45:5 (2023)  ·  pagina's 289-296  ·  Jem Babbington & Phil Roberts
, A 2023. The OSME region list of bird taxa – Version 8.2. Website: www.osme.org/orl. Brooks, D J ... in the wild with groups of ‘wild’ Saudi Arabian birds, or having established themselves in the wild ..., have resident wild populations in Arabia in Yemen and Saudi Arabia, with many having distinct ... blackish coloured and have a thick reddish bill with pale tip, small helmet, medium sized cere ... meleagris in having very long cere bristles and hindneck plumes, confined to the centre of the neck

Solutions of sixth round 1999: Swainson's Hawk and European Goldfinch; First round 2000
DB 22:1 (2000)  ·  pagina's 32-38  ·  Diederik Kok & Nils van Duivendijk
, in adult Swainson’s Hawk the wing-tips sometimes reach, but often project beyond, the tail-tip ... towards the base of the feathers, rather than near the tip, as well as the white tips to the tail ... nearly reaches tail-tip. Aged by pale feather-fringes and -tips, pale head and not completely dark ... beyond the tail-tip but reach or almost reach the tail-tip. The combination of dark body, whitish vent and undertail-coverts, whitish throat-patch and long wings projecting beyond the tail-tip

Identification of Catharus thrushes
DB 15:2 (1993)  ·  pagina's 55-60  ·  Colin Bradshaw & Jim Dowdall
. It is bright chestnut on head, nape and mantle, fading to a dull brown on the rump and tail. Below ... with him whether he already has the slides; if you still have the slides, please send them together ... views, Hermit Thrush with its cold brown mantle and rusty tail could be mistaken for Thrush Nightingale ... broad than on Swainson's Thrush and does not show any sign of a pale ‘fore-supercilium’ having ... buff on all of the breast. Grey-cheeked Thrush has two subspecies. The eastern subspecies C m bicknelli

Moult and plumage variation in immature Lesser Black-backed Gulls in the Netherlands
DB 28:3 (2006)  ·  pagina's 140-157  ·  Rik Winters
are unmarked white. New tail-feathers are all white or may show restricted dark markings. If any ... (Larus fuscus). Website: www.surfbirds.com/mb/Features/ gulls/LBB/lbb-gull.html. AERC TAC 2003 ... and sometimes some wing-coverts. All known intermedius were more advanced, having replaced at least two-thirds of the coverts. Only one out of six of these birds had not replaced any tail-feathers, and the most advanced had replaced all of its tail-feathers and a few inner secondaries. The remainder showed

Birding in European Russia: Ural mountains, Yekaterinburg and Orenburg region
DB 37:5 (2015)  ·  pagina's 302-319  ·  Josh Jones, David Monticelli & Pierre-André Crochet
the town of Khalilovo (51°23’42’’N, 58°07’10’’E) during mid-afternoon on 17 June. Further coverage ... resultaten samengevat van vogelreizen in 2013-15 naar gebieden ten westen van het Oeralgebergte ... yeltoniensis. Website: www.birdlife.org. Accessed 28 April 2015. Boyko, G V 2010. Record of Swinhoe’s ... mountains is difficult to come by. In addition, as we found during our trips there, the available ... area and the Ural mountains west of Severouralsk for two weeks. Building on this, a contingent of six

Mascarene Petrels at sea off Réunion, Indian Ocean
DB 37:2 (2015)  ·  pagina's 109-115  ·  Hadoram Shirihai, Tony Pym & Vincent Bretagnolle
at the right time, we were seeing the return of a petrel from the pre-laying exodus (a period at sea following mating, during which the egg develops), thus adding to an understanding of the breeding cycle ... of bird with its egg. Website: www.birdlife.org/worldwide/news/critically-endangered-mascarene-petrel ... (Shirihai 2008, Shirihai et al 2009), the same team decided to apply tried and tested procedures in the Indian Ocean, off the island of Réunion, similarly seeking new information, this time

Maleo - De kip met de gouden eieren door Marc Argeloo
DB 24:1 (2002)  ·  pagina 28  ·  Theo Admiraal
Woo-Shin Lee, Tae-Hoe Koo & Jin-Young Park 2000. A field guide to the birds of Korea. LG Evergreen ... ago as 1986. Although this book is still the standard, a lot has changed since. Despite many websites ... in Quito, telling him about a record of four American Avocets Recurvirostra americana which Rob ter ... overwinteringsgebied geweest. Voor wie nog wil gaan zoeken: de ‘pikgulpen’ of ‘gevlekte wulpen ... coming from Meyer de Schauensee’s A guide to the birds of South America dating back to 1970. Especially

Birds-of-paradise and bowerbirds of New Guinea
DB 30:3 (2008)  ·  pagina's 160-168  ·  Otto Plantema & Enno B Ebels
is very diverse, and many species have elaborate mating rituals, taking place only or mainly in good ... is rarely seen and can only be observed by waiting quietly in the forest, for instance near the dancing .... Website: ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0707/feature3/index.html. Plantema, O & van der Spek, V 2007 ... females, sitting on dead trees or branches close to the ground, the male starts dancing at his court ... for. The accompanying photographs were all taken during private trips in October 2006 and July

Least Sandpiper at Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania, in December 2023
DB 46:3 (2024)  ·  pagina's 177-181  ·  Tom Versluijs & Enno B Ebels
. During those exchanges, it became clear that I was still very much focused on the knots as Bob ... to send these screenshots to Job ten Horn with the question: ‘Hi Job, this bird was walking in front of my lens today! Do you also think it is a Least Sandpiper?!’. Job got back to me the next day ..., and as the lone ‘new face’ in this seasoned research team, I joined the experienced Bob Loos to learn ... appearance due to the long tail and primary projection. It was that jizz that did not match with the bird

Hoe een 'onzekere' Amerikaanse Oeverloper toch nog iets moois werd …
DB Actueel Online  ·  3 augustus 2011
waarneming zie ik dat collega-admin Peter Meininger mij al voor is: "Beste Joost, Dit zou een ... kloppen? Het zou fantastisch zijn! Hoe dichter bij de plek hoe nerveuzer we worden, de punten die de ... Pim en Peter en legden uit hoe zij moesten kijken: onze kant uit, met op de achtergrond ... om een hybride kon gaan. "Ja maar Pim, weet je wel wat wij aan de vogel hebben gezien, alles ... kom, en wat andere Zeeuwen waarschuwen. Nog geen 10 minuten daarna zit ik samen met Gido in de auto op

Solutions of second round: Eastern Bonelli's Warbler, Hudsonian Godwit, Orphean Warbler & Marsh Harrier
DB 19:5 (1997)  ·  pagina's 244-248  ·  Diederik Kok & Nils van Duivendijk
(sometimes three) exposed primary tips, and the wing-tip falls close to the tail-tip. Most ... beyond the tail. This is typical for Hudsonian Godwit (although occasionally only two primary tips ... mystery photograph shows a flying raptor. The combination of a pale unbarred tail, rounded tail tip ..., a very long primary projection and a short tail. The identification as one of the two bonelli’s ..., the eye is all-dark, the blackish bill has a slightly greyer base, and the one leg just visible

Solutions of sixth round 2001: Great Black-backed Gull and Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin
DB 24:1 (2002)  ·  pagina's 32-37  ·  Diederik Kok & Nils van Duivendijk
photographs during the competition (six rounds). In case of joint winners, one winner will be drawn. Rob S ... head pattern, shorter relative tail length and a slightly more pointed wing-tip in Eastern than ... and (still) dark eye and bill. Structurally, the bird looks quite heavy with a large, thick bill with marked gonys angle. The legs are rather long and the wings project not too far behind the tail ... its bill, looks too heavy for species like Lesser Black-backed Gull L graellsii and Baltic Gull L

Breeding Pallid Scops Owls in Rift valley, Israel, in spring 2015 / Broedende Gestreepte Dwergooruilen in Riftvallei, Israël, in 2015
DB 38:3 (2016)  ·  pagina's 146-159  ·  Amir Ben Dov & Yosef Kiat
was found during 2015 survey; •: two previously misidentified skins from TAU collection: juvenile AV ... tail tail/wing ratio bill hind claw MTF Pallid Scops Owl (n = 7) 151 ± 4.2 71 ± 2.3 0.47 ± 0.01 8.8 ... to positively identify all Pallid Scops Owl skins in Israel and to discover any unknown or unpublished ... Collections of Natural History, Zoological Museum, Tel Aviv University (TAU), Israel, and in the Natural ... on information from Cramp (1985) and Jennings (2010), Pallid Scops Owl starts laying eggs in the third week
