Be sure to check the sightings at if you haven't already... If you need any help in contacting observers or anything else, feel free to contact me. Best of luck with the book!
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Op gezette tijden wil de website aandacht besteden aan actuele ornithologische fenomenen. De Nederlandse vogelaars worden (gelukkig maar) nog regelmatig verrast. Door een influx van een bepaalde soort of bepaalde soorten, door een uiterst zeldzame soort waarvan de meeste vogelaars nog niet eens de juiste Nederlandse naam weten, door onverwachte determinatieproblemen en dergelijke. De kracht van dit medium is dat er direct en interactief ingegaan kan worden op deze spannende gebeurtenissen in het veld. Wat is er precies aan de hand? Wat is hier al van bekend? Is er al eerder over geschreven in Dutch Birding? Hoe denkt men in het veld hierover?
Request for information on Cyprus records
18 november 2021 · Peter Flint & Colin Richardson · 3786 × bekeken
Request for information on Cyprus records
We are preparing a third edition of The Birds of Cyprus (further details on ResearchGate). It will be a comprehensive and completely revised avifauna of the whole island of Cyprus to be published within the BOC (formerly BOU) checklist series. In the 30 years since the second edition (Flint & Stewart 1992) the island has undergone extensive climate and habitat change resulting in many changes to its breeding bird populations; many new species have also been added to the Cyprus list during that time. In researching the new edition we have traced several records of breeding and rarities which had not been published before and these will be passed to the Cyprus Rare Birds Committee and the island’s bird societies. If any readers have such records we would be very grateful for details of them. Lists of the species we are particularly interested in are below, though they are not exclusive. All contributions will be acknowledged and those records published will be credited to the observer.
Rarities: | |||
Lesser White-fronted Goose | Arctic Tern | Temminck's, (African) Dunn's | |
Swans: Bewick’s and Whooper | Pomarine Skua | and Arabian | |
Egyptian Goose | Divers: all | Warblers: Dusky, Green, | |
Scoters: Common and Velvet | Petrels: all | Hume’s Leaf, Basra Reed, | |
Common Goldeneye | Striated Heron | Paddyfield, Blyth's Reed, | |
Smew, Goosander | Dalmatian Pelican | Common Grasshopper, | |
Bustards: all | Lammergeier | River, African Desert, Ménétries's | |
Diederik Cuckoo | Cinereous Vulture | and Mountain Chiffchaff | |
Pin-tailed Sandgrouse | Eastern Imperial Eagle | Firecrest | |
Oriental Turtle Dove | Crested Honey Buzzard | Naumann's and Dusky Thrushes | |
Grey-headed Swamphen | Bateleur | White-winged Snowfinch | |
Allen’s Gallinule | Greater Spotted Eagle | Pipits: Blyth's, Long-billed | |
Grebes: Red-necked and Horned | Red Kite | and Buff-bellied | |
Lesser Flamingo | White-tailed Eagle | Dead Sea Sparrow | |
Sociable Lapwing | Rough-legged Buzzard | Eurasian Bullfinch | |
Kittlitz's Plover | Falcons: Amur, Sooty and Lanner | Eurasian Crimson-winged Finch | |
Baird’s and Pectoral Sandpipers | Choughs: all | Common Rosefinch | |
Red Phalarope | Brown-necked Raven | Desert Finch | |
Oriental Pratincole | Bohemian Waxwing | Common Redpoll | |
Gulls: Franklin's, White-eyed, | Hypocolius | Red-fronted Serin | |
Great Black-backed and | Blue Tit | Buntings: Little, Rustic and | |
European Herring | Larks: Bar-tailed, Horned, | Yellow-breasted |
Breeding: | |||
Gadwall | Grey Heron | Eurasian Penduline Tit | |
Little Swift | Eurasian Sparrowhawk | Eurasian Skylark | |
Common Cuckoo | Pied Kingfisher | Great Reed Warbler | |
Black-bellied Sandgrouse | Eurasian Wryneck | Eurasian Blackcap | |
Black-necked Grebe | Red-backed Shrike | Song Thrush | |
Collared Pratincole | Eurasian Golden Oriole | White Wagtail |
If you can provide us with any new data on the above please contact us on Thank you very much for your help.
Peter Flint & Colin Richardson
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